Wednesday, November 08, 2006

There's a lot of me to love, and I don't care who sees every last bit of it

So Mommy and Daddy took me to the public nurse's office on Tuesday to weigh me. I came in at 15 pounds, 6 ounces. For those keeping score at home, that's more than four pounds more than when I was born, and almost three pounds more than I weighed one month ago.
And it was yesterday that I realized I really don't like clothes. What's the point? They're just irritating. And in the case of that pumpkin suit, downright embarassing. And seriously, the way Mommy dresses me sometimes (see the bottom picture), it's better just to go au naturel. So I'm hanging out these days in my diaper. It's all you need, really.

I went to my second Mother Goose group Monday. It was slightly more exciting than the last one. I only fell asleep at the end. But the good news for Mommy is some of the other mommies invited her out for coffee. If I'm in a good mood, maybe I'll let her.


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