Saturday, October 28, 2006

Happy day!

Today was Mommy's 30th birthday. Wow, that's old. Thirty years! Of course, what do I know about time? Five minutes without eating feels like forever.
But today was a great day! I don't know what it was, but for some reason, I was just so happy! I laughed, and I smiled, and I gurgled. Maybe I was happy for Mommy. And now that I can see a little further, I'm really enjoying the coloured lights on my swing chair.
For her birthday, Daddy got Mommy a new phone, and a DVD. With Daddy's help, I got her flowers and a plaster frame kit so Mommy and Daddy can make impressions of my hands. They'll have to wait a while, though. I don't feel like unclenching my hands just yet.
Mommy really liked her presents. Although I think Daddy was more excited about the fancy phone than Mommy. He kept saying all day that he couldn't wait for the batteries to charge so he could play with it. I think he should relax.
Oh, and one last thing: I am thinking about a career in pro wrestling. Just yesterday, I was holding my head and chest up while I was on my tummy. I didn't last long (my thumb was right there in front of my face, and I couldn't resist) but I did get myself up pretty high.
Won't be long before I learn the Stone Cold Stunner.


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