Sunday, October 22, 2006

The big 4-0

Sunday marked my 40th day since being born. That's a long time - it's length of the flood that Noah and the animals had to ride out the flood; it's the length of time Moses convened with God on Mount Sinai; and it's the amount of time Jesus spent in the wilderness.
Those were periods of great transition, but my ride has been pretty smooth. I picked up breastfeeding pretty quickly and I'm getting used to sleeping. I still like my baths and my car and stroller trips. I've been working on finding my hands. Those pesky things just won't stay put. One minute, they're by my side, the next I've got one up over my head like I'm a flying Superman. Sometimes I have both out at once, like I'm Nixon flashing the peace sign. It's a good day when I can get one of them in my mouth. I'm an all-natural boy; it's flesh only for me. No pacifiers or bottle nipples.
One new thing after forty days is that I smile now, but just a little. I gotta save up the charm for when I grow up and decorate the walls with crayons or pull the cat's tail.
I'm looking forward to the next forty days. Daddy's waiting for me to smile more, and coo, and roll over.
All in good time.


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