Monday, October 09, 2006

My first month

Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog. I turned one month old today, and I figured that was old enough to take a spin on the information superhighway. So here it is: Jack Attack, my very own blog.
My first month has just flown by. I was born Sept. 11 at 9:57 a.m. Daddy says Mommy did real well during my delivery. Daddy got to take me to the nursery, where I was weighed (11 pounds, four ounces; the doctor joked that I crawled out of Mommy’s tummy) and got my very first diaper. Grandma and Grandpa McAdie and Aunt Heather and Aunt Emily got to see me almost right away, but poor Mommy had to wait a little while.
But I sure was glad to see her! I started to learn to breastfeed, and it wasn’t long before I learned Mommy is like an all-night buffet. And I don’t just come back for seconds; I come back for thirds and fourths and fifths. I like to have a little snack before drifting off to sleep; I don’t like to fill up all at once. It’s super convenient for me, but I think it tires Mommy out a bit.
I share a birthday with writers D.H. Lawerence and O. Henry, the greatest short-story writer ever. Daddy takes that as a sign I’ll be a great wordsmith. I don’t know. I’ll worry about that after I can hold my head up for a little while.
Speaking of which, I can hold it up for a little while at a time. Mommy and Daddy are really proud. Now I’m working on rolling over.
My first few days after the hospital were really busy. I had lots of visitors, and Mommy and Daddy were busy packing up our place in Agassiz. I also got lots and lots of presents. Mommy and Daddy say I’m spoiled, but I don’t think so.
Look at me. Hello, I’m cute! Who wouldn’t want to buy me presents? But I really am grateful for all my wonderful things.
I think Daddy wishes he could have spent more time at home during my 10 days in Agassiz, but he had to drive all the way to White Rock every day for his job. I’m happy he’s only five minutes away now.
We had a great trip north in the car, while Uncle Peter and Jake drove my crib and the other stuff in the U-Haul, and Daddy’s friend Mark took up some other stuff. They all helped load up the house, and then the McAdies arrived, and they set up my room and some other rooms. I’m all set; I have a crib with a mobile, a dresser stuffed with clothes (plus more in the closet), and Mommy has a rocking chair. Just the other day, I got a playpen and a baby gym. Grandma McAdie just made me some Winnie the Pooh curtains. They match my Winnie the Pooh blankets and mobile.
The house is really great. It’s a three-storey, three-bedroom townhouse with two balconies. I have my own room (although I stay in Mommy and Daddy’s room for now) and Mommy and Daddy have a separate room for the computer, something Daddy has wanted for a long time. Outside, there’s lots of trees and lawn, and even a tennis/basketball court.
Daddy is all settled in at work. He likes being an editor again, and the Williams Lake Tribune has a big press, so he can watch 18 different papers come off the rollers. He’s fascinated by it the press the same way I’m fascinated by, well, everything. He works with four reporters, and he thrills them with stories about me all the time. He’s really close to home, and he doesn’t usually work evenings or weekends, so I get to see him lots. I’ve heard that before I was born, Daddy worked all the time. I’m glad I set him straight.
Mommy spends all day with me, and I’m pretty happy during the daytime. I sit in my swing, or on Mommy’s lap. When Mommy can drive again, I’m going to meet other babies at the Moms and Babies group downtown.
When Daddy gets home, I get a nice warm bath and lay on his lap. I’m an equal-opportunity cuddler.
What else? Hmmm. Well, I like walks in the stroller, car rides, and baths.
I don’t like sleeping. I’m too hungry for that. I’m a big boy, and I’m growing. And since I’m in my bassinet in Mommy and Daddy’s room, I can just ring for room service whenever I want. So I take advantage; I don’t want to sleep more than a few hours at a time. But I hear that’s pretty good for a boy my age.
And with all that eating, I sure do get gassy. Daddy calls me Grunty MacGrunterson, because I’m always trying to squeeze something out either end.
But I’m happy. I like to look around and squeeze fingers; and this month I’ll probably start smiling more, and I’ll finally find my hands.
Mommy and Daddy hope I’ll sleep more as I get older. I wouldn’t bet on it.


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