Thursday, November 30, 2006

The man of steel

I had my first shots today - two needles in each leg. It was nothing. I mean, I did scream, but anyone would after having four 1 1/2-inch needles shoved in their thighs. But after that, I was fine. Daddy had to hold me while the nurse did the shots, because Mommy had to look away. I think I took the whole thing better than she did. The nurse was surprised; she said usually babies cry for five minutes after their shots. Guess they're not as tough. I have another round of shots in February. Bring 'em on, I say.
Mommy and Daddy also weighed me and measured me while we were at the health office. I'm 17 pounds, five ounces, and 23 3/4 inches. That means I gained just short of two pounds in 22 days. The nurse says that puts me in the 90th to 97th percentile for weight. She also said I'm in the 50th percentile for height. Daddy says that means I'll grow up to be built like a fire hydrant. I don't think so. I'm just getting started.


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