Monday, January 08, 2007

My first Rx

We went to see Dr. York again today because I have a nasty rash on my cheek, and smaller rashes on my chest. Dr. York says it's eczema, and that my cheek is infected (it probably didn't help that I scratch that cheek a lot; I have to wear a mitten now). So I got some Fucidin and hydrocortisone. Dr. York says that will help me out.
Also while we were at the doctor's office, we all found out something amazing: I jumped to the 90th percentile from the 50th for height! I've grown two inches in the last month. I'm still in the 97th percentile for weight; I'm up to 18 pounds, six ounces, from 17 pounds, three ounces. The nice nurse said my height is catching up to my weight.
I'm hoping to catch Daddy. I've got less than four feet to go!


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