Friday, December 29, 2006

We interrupt this blog...

Jack's Dad here. Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to say a few things.
First of all, Jessica and I are so grateful that Mom and Dad flew our family to Halifax. It was great to see everyone again, and for everyone to see Jack. It meant a lot to us.
It was great to be able to show Jessica around the city, and the Bedford house and the Springfield house. I was glad I got to see it too. Dad and Mom have done an amazing job there.
It was nice to see the Bedford house one last time, too.
All three of us were spoiled at Christmas, and we're again very grateful.
It meant a lot to be able to play Wizard and euchre with everyone, and hang out watching Trailer Park Boys.
It was a truly awesome trip. Thanks, everyone. We're humbled by your generosity and hospitality.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'm going to need my own bookcase!

Grandma Mac had the great idea that I should list all my books on the blog, so when people buy them for me (thanks!) there will be no duplicates. So all of my 26 books so far are listed on the right.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Last day in Nova Scotia

We got back home today, and again, I slept on all the planes. Daddy gets airsick, but I laugh at nausea like I laugh at needles. We went to bed at 7:15, and we all slept for 11 hours because we were so tired. I'm sure I'll get back to B.C. time very soon.
Our last day was good. I spent more time with Nana and Carrie, and Daddy arranged to have lobsters for dinner, because Mommy has never had one. Grandpa Mac taught Mommy and Carrie to eat the lobsters. They said they were yummy. I also met Daddy's friends Jennifer and Peter, and they said they might come to B.C. this year!
Uncle Andrew and Carrie said they'd be excited to be my godparents when I'm baptized this spring. I'm excited too!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

My first Christmas

Today was my very first Christmas, and boy was I spoiled! I got tons and tons of nice clothes, and books, and ornaments. Grandma Mac coss-stiched me a picture just like Daddy's, and Nana made me ceramic baby shoes and a beautiful, colourful quit. I even got a train, where each car is a letter of my name!
Mommy and Daddy opened my presents for me, because I was sleeping. But I've already worn quite a few of my new outfits.
Mommy and Daddy say they were spoiled too, with a beautiful picture of Peggy's Cove, and games and a clock and all kinds of neat things.
Later, I got to meet Carrie. I liked it when she held me. And I liked sitting with Grandma Mac during dinner. Every time she tried to eat, I watched really closely. I can't wait until I can eat real food too.
Later, Uncle Andrew taught Daddy how to play euchre, and I helped hold the cards. And Grandma Mac read me some books. After that, I brought Daddy money so he could play poker with his brothers and Dad and Carrie and Uncle Bruce's and Uncle Tim's friends. Daddy was third-last out out of nine players.
We go back to Williams Lake early Thursday morning. I'll be glad to be home and get my schedule back to normal, but I sure did like my time in Nova Scotia!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Daddy says I'm an honourary Haligonian

Today, Grandma Mac took me and Daddy and Mommy to Halifax. We saw where Daddy went to university, and Spring Garden Road, and downtown, and the Citadel. We also went down to the waterfront, where I got to see Theodore Tugboat! While we were there, Daddy bought me a sou'wester. It's a bit big right now, but I am a growing boy!
My favourite part was going to Point Pleasant Park, where Grandma Mac touched my finger in the Atlantic Ocean. Daddy says this summer maybe Grandma McAdie will touch my finger in the Pacific Ocean at Stanley Park! Yes, I am quite the traveler!

At the lake

On Saturday, we went to Grandpa and Grandma Mac's house on Springfield Lake. Daddy says he barely recognized the property from when he was a kid. Me, I was pretty impressed with the house Grandpa Mac built. It was beautiful and big! I liked the living room with the big windows, and the rocking chair. Daddy was pretty impressed too. He says it is an awesome house.
While we were there, I met Grandma and Grandpa Mac's friends from the lake, and we celebrated Nan's birthday! It was great time.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Mommy's family

Today I met Mommy's Uncle Ted and Aunt Rita, and her cousins Jean and Ron. They came to visit from Aylesford and Dartmouth. I was a little cranky when they were here, but not because of them. I was just a little out of sorts. Mommy was really happy to get a chance to visit!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Jack is in the house!

We arrived in Halifax today, and Grandpa and Grandma Mac picked us up for the airport. Mommy and Daddy were pretty tired, but I was fine. I slept on all three planes from Williams Lake. In Vancouver, we had Christmas in the food court. Grandma and Grandpa, and the McAdies and Aunt Emily and Aunt Heather were all there. As usual, I was spoiled, and so were Mommy and Daddy. I got lots of new clothes, and a new toy!
Here in Bedford, I got to meet Grandma and Grandpa Mac, and Uncle Andrew, Uncle Bruce, and Uncle Tim, and Nana! They're great! I'm so happy to be here!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Music hath charms...

Lately Daddy's been playing his guitar to calm me down when I'm cranky. It works for him, so he thought he would see if playing would do anything for my crankiness too.
It does! Daddy's not very good - he says he will get Uncle Andrew to help him with that, and take lessons in the New Year - but I like it. I like it even more than the classical music CDs Mommy and Daddy bought, although those are good too.
Half an hour of Daddy butchering Go Tell It on the Mountain or a Dallas Green song, and I'm calm and ready for bed.
I hope Daddy learns more songs and plays them better, but I don't want him to decide it's a good idea to sing along. There's a line there we don't want to cross.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The big guy

I met Santa Saturday at the mall. He was OK. Mommy and Daddy seemed to think it was fun, but I didn't see what all the fuss was about. It was a guy in a red suit.
Daddy says to wait, I'll come to love Santa.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A clean bill of health

I saw Dr. York again today. He checked me all over, and said I was fit as a fiddle. He also said I would be a big boy.
He confirmed that I weigh17 pounds, 2.5 ounces, and am 24 inches tall (that's two feet!) So I am for sure in the 97th percentile for weight and the 50th for height. Daddy says I'm solid. At first, he said I was dense, until he thought maybe that wasn't a good idea.
I agree. And I'm almost big enough to kick his butt.