Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A wonderful weekend

We had a glorious weekend this Easter! Grandma Mac and Grandpa and Grandma McAdie and Aunt Heather and Aunt Emily all came to visit.
Grandma Mac came all the way from Halifax to see me baptized. While she was here, we had warm sunny weather (so I got a chance to wear the cool shades Aunt Heather got me!) while back east, it snowed so much they had to cancel church on Sunday.
Grandma Mac took me for lots and lots of walks around Williams Lake, which was great for both of us. And Mommy got something she calls "alone time," whatever that is. She also baked Daddy lots of apple pies, so he was happy.
Grandpa McAdie read to me a lot, which I enjoyed, but he wouldn't share his beer with me. Mommy and Grandma and Aunt Heather and Aunt Emily took me to the playground, and for even more walks, and that was tons of fun.
On Sunday, I was baptized at St. Peter's with four other kids. I was the loudest by far, but I was singing before Rev. Charbonneau even poured the water on my head. It was a beautiful service, with lots of balloons and singing. I got my own baptism candle, but all five were lit from Daddy's baptism candle, which is old - a whole 28 years old.
After church I went to a restaurant for the very first time. The nice people at Boston Pizza gave me crackers to eat. I like crackers, but those darn things kept breaking into little pieces and falling into my high chair or on the floor. I also tasted bananas and yogurt over the weekend. They were OK.
And my very first top tooth came in over the weekend too!
I was spoiled again for my baptism. Grandma Mac bought me the outfit I wore to church, a sleeper set, and some of Daddy's old clothes that I can wear. She also got Mommy and Daddy an illustrated Bible they can read to me, and helped buy a brand new car seat, because I outgrew my old one.
Grandma McAdie bought me lots of summer clothes, and a toy phone, and the McAdies got me lots of new books.
Aunt Emily bought me a cool hoodie and a glowworm that lights up and plays songs. Aunt Heather got me my cool sunglasses, and matching hat and pants, and cool swim trunks.
Uncle Andrew and Aunt Carrie - my godparents! - got me a gift certificate to Chapters and a beautiful engraved frame and holder and stand for my baptism certificate. Nana got me a stuffed duck and a beautiful piggy bank in the shape of a cross. Daddy's Aunt Pat and Uncle Andy sent a really nice frame for my baptism picture.
Mommy's Grandma and Grandpa McAdie sent me a beautiful silver cup and $20. Daddy's friends Mark, Rosemarie, and Heidi sent me a nice card and $50.
I also got very thoughtful cards from Grandma and Grandpa D and Daddy's friend Debi.
Thanks to everyone! I am so lucky!


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